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  • Clariflocculator


Clariflocculator Image Clariflocculator is a combination of flocculation and clarification in a single tank. It has two concentric tanks where inner tank serves as a flocculation basin and the outer tank serves as a clarifier. We offers settled Full/Half auxiliary Bridge cum walkway traverses over the external distance across of the tank with Handrail. A solitary unit of Clariflocculator serves elements of both the clarifier and flocculator.It comprises of two concentric tanks – the internal tank fills in as a flocculation chamber while the external tank fills in as a clarifier chamber. The dosed water is metered into the flocculation chamber where its paddling mechanics starts flocculation of solids. The subsequent muck and overwhelming strong particulates settles to the base under the attractive energy constrain; the stores are raked to the base focal pocket and released. The generally clear water from the flocculation chamber radially streams outward into the elimination chamber for additionally preparing. Whenever executed and worked legitimately, they can manage the cost of cost-funds in capital ventures, bring down impression, and cost-reserve funds in forms.
  • In IF Type Clariflocculator: Slewing Ring assembly is placed over the R.C.C Center Pier.
  • In HF Type Clariflocculator: center mechanism (Concentric dual drive) is placed over the R.C.C Center Pier.
  • Traction bridge rest over the Center Mechanism / Slewing Ring and supported with hinge pin/pivot arrangement.
  • Slip Ring (Current Collector) assembly is provided.
  • Diameter of the Flocculation tank is determined according to the diameter of the clarifier tank.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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